David Dodge's Blog

A Collection of David Dodge's Pro Tips, Real Estate Related Articles, Media, Youtube & Vimeo Videos, Thoughts, Press Releases, Live Events, Growth Tools, Masterminds, Lessons & Podcasts. I even sometimes post about travel hacks and funny things that make me laugh!

Metro East Real Estate Update: June 2024 Shows Positive Trends 2024 real estate news real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate investing real estate market real estate news Aug 05, 2024

Written by David Dodge

The St. Louis metro east continues to be a hot spot for real estate activity. While the national market might be showing signs of a slowdown, June 2024 data paints a positive...

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Choosing Your First Real Estate Agent: A Guide for New Home Buyers 2024 real estate news real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate investing real estate news Jul 26, 2024

Photo by RDNE Stock project

Written by David Dodge

Starting your journey as a home buyer can be both exciting and daunting. As someone who has transitioned from sports to real estate, I understand...

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The Power of Gratitude in Achieving Success in Real Estate and Life flipping houses real estate real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate financing real estate investing wholesaling wholesaling real estate Jan 17, 2024

Photo by Julian Jagtenberg

The Balancing Act: Gratitude and Ambition

In the pursuit of success, it’s easy to get consumed by ambition and lose sight of gratitude. Acknowledging the...

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Unveiling the Power of Mentorship: A Pathway to Success in Real Estate flipping houses lands property flipping real estate real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate financing real estate investing wholesaling wholesaling real estate Jan 15, 2024

Photo by Thirdman

Embracing Mentorship: The Key to Breaking the Barrier

Are you in the cycle of working tirelessly without reaping the financial rewards you aspire to achieve? Perhaps you've...

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Mastering the 3 Vital Activities for Thriving Real Estate Ventures brrrr method landlording real estate real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate financing real estate investing real estate laws wholesaling wholesaling real estate Jan 10, 2024

Photo by Jessica Bryant

In the competitive realm of real estate investing, certain daily practices can significantly elevate your business. I've identified three crucial activities—what I...

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The Power of Private Money in Real Estate Investing brrrr method real estate real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate financing real estate investing wholesaling wholesaling real estate Jan 09, 2024

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko


When it comes to real estate investing, tapping into private money can often be a game-changer. While traditional lenders have their merits, the flexibility and...

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Empower Your Business: The Art of Building a Strategic Team brrrr method landlording real estate real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate financing real estate investing real estate laws wholesaling wholesaling real estate Jan 07, 2024

Photo by Fox

Building a robust team is pivotal for success in any business. Let's structure this blog with a few key subtopics to cover the essence of team-building and leveraging resources...

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Maximizing Success in Real Estate: The Invaluable Power of Networking brrrr method landlording real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate financing real estate investing wholesaling wholesaling real estate Jan 05, 2024

Photo by Visual Tag Mx

In the competitive world of real estate, a robust network isn't just beneficial—it's a game-changer. Without it, navigating the industry's complexities can be an uphill...

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Real Estate Game-Changer: Ask the Seller's Price First brrrr method landlording real estate real estate business real estate career real estate education real estate financing real estate investing wholesaling wholesaling real estate Jan 03, 2024

Photo by Kindel Media

When you immerse yourself in the realm of real estate and engage in numerous deals, a stroke of luck often accompanies you. The more deals you encounter, the sharper your eye...

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