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How My Mentor's Advice is Still Winning in 2024's Market

2024 real estate news real estate 101 real estate market Oct 06, 2024
How My Mentor's Advice is Still Winning in 2024's Market

Written by David Dodge

 When I was in my early twenties, I had the incredible fortune of meeting a mentor who would change the course of my life forever. His name was Dan, and he built a massive real estate empire using strategies that, to this day, still guide my approach to the industry. At the time, I didn’t fully appreciate just how valuable Dan’s mentorship was—but now, looking back, I realize that every piece of advice he gave me was pure gold.

Dan wasn’t just any mentor; he was someone who simplified success in a way that baffled me at first. I was expecting complex answers, but Dan’s responses were always too simple for my liking back then. He taught me countless things about real estate, but one thing he drilled into my head stands out above all: Don’t overthink success.

Whenever I faced obstacles, I would run to Dan, expecting a groundbreaking solution, and every time, he would give me the same kind of answer: plain, simple, and almost too obvious. I remember feeling frustrated—how could it be that simple? But here’s the truth: Dan was right. His simple solutions have stood the test of time, and the more I progress in my career, the more I realize that simplicity is the ultimate key to success.


The Power of Doing More

There were times when I struggled to find motivated sellers. I’d go to Dan and say, "I’m stuck; I can’t find any good leads." And every single time, his response would be, “You’re not marketing enough, and you’re not talking to enough people.”

When I wasn’t doing enough deals, I’d come to him, hoping for a different answer. But once again, he would say, “It’s because you’re not making enough offers every day.”

As a young and hungry entrepreneur, I wanted something more complex, a secret strategy, a hidden tactic that would unlock success. But it wasn’t about secrets or tricks. Dan taught me that success comes down to one simple truth: If you’re not getting the results you want, it’s because you’re not doing enough.

It’s as straightforward as that. If you’re not marketing enough, talking to enough people, or making enough offers, you can’t expect results. This simple concept was hard for me to swallow at first, but as I applied it more and more, it started to work like magic.


How This Simple Lesson Applies to 2024’s Real Estate Market

Fast forward to 2024, and the real estate market has evolved in dramatic ways. Rising interest rates, fluctuations in housing demand, and increased competition have created challenges, but they’ve also opened the door to massive opportunities for those willing to put in the work. While the landscape may look different, the same fundamental truths remain.

The housing market in 2024 is competitive and full of uncertainty, but here’s the reality: If you’re not finding deals, it’s not because they aren’t out there—it’s because you’re not looking hard enough. You’re not talking to enough people. You’re not marketing yourself consistently.

Many investors are feeling stuck in this market, and they’re tempted to blame external factors—interest rates, inflation, or a lack of inventory. But here’s what Dan taught me: You control your success. In any market condition, deals exist for those who are relentless. If you’re not closing enough deals, you’re not making enough offers. In 2024, that might mean working harder to find creative financing options, negotiating more aggressively, or simply reaching out to more sellers.

While challenges like rising mortgage rates may seem like roadblocks, they are also opportunities in disguise. Many sellers are motivated to offload properties, and if you’re not finding them, it’s likely because you aren’t talking to enough people. The opportunities are still there—you just have to be willing to hustle harder than your competition.


Do More, Get More: The Secret to Real Estate Success

If there’s one thing Dan ingrained in me, it’s the power of persistence. This business isn’t about being lucky or having insider knowledge—it’s about putting in the work. And in 2024, it’s more critical than ever to remember this. In a market full of shifts and changes, the most successful real estate investors are the ones who take massive, consistent action every single day.

Don’t wait for the market to change. Don’t hope for easier conditions. Success comes to those who are out there, relentlessly working the field. You have to talk to people. You have to make offers. You have to show up—every single day.


Ending on a High Note: You Are One Action Away

I want to leave you with something that Dan used to tell me when I felt like giving up: "You are always one action away from your next big breakthrough." This isn’t just about real estate; this is about life. You are one offer away from your next deal, one conversation away from finding that motivated seller, one email away from closing the biggest opportunity of your life.

So, if you’re feeling stuck or unsure, don’t overthink it. Start doing more. Send that extra offer. Make that additional call. Put in the work, and the results will follow.

2024 is filled with opportunities, but they’re not going to fall into your lap. It’s time to get out there and take massive action. Remember, the only thing standing between you and your next big win is how much you're willing to do today.




How My Mentor's Advice is Still Winning in 2024's Market

Oct 06, 2024